

The “Social Science and Gender” doctoral training programme welcomes sociologically, historically and anthropologically informed research that centres on gender as social relationship and as a classification of the world that differentiates and hierarchises individuals and groups. This doctoral training programme is unique in two ways. The first is methodological: research conducted in this programme articulates the different methods of social science research with a concern to root theorisation in empirical research. It draws on diverse materials (archives, interviews, observations, statistical surveys), to guide thinking and provide a context for development of concepts. The second is theoretical: the programme welcomes research that considers gender as a particular social relation but also, in alignment with feminist studies, as an analytical perspective in its own right on a range of social and historical phenomena (family, work, sexuality, politics etc.). Rather than being restricted to a study of inequality between women and men, a gender perspective enriches the methods and paradigms of the social sciences.


Teaching team

Doctoral training programme

Year 1

Doctoral research module Social science research module Academic and professional activities module

Pursuit of doctoral research approved by supervisor and thesis monitoring committee

⇒ 50 ECTS

2 compulsory seminars

  • “Current research in gender and sexuality” or another seminar from the Gender Studies programme
  • One seminar from among all those offered by EHESS

Or “International research visit” (minimum 3-4 months)

⇒ 5 ECTS

One of the following:

  • A « working paper »
  • Contribution to a laboratory or research unit seminar
  • Teaching one course unit at secondary, undergraduate or Master’s level

⇒ 5 ECTS

Total ⇒ 60 ECTS

Year 2 and Year 3

Doctoral research module Social science research module Academic and professional activities module

Pursuit of doctoral research approved by supervisor and thesis monitoring committee

⇒ 50 ECTS

1 compulsory seminar from among all those offered by EHESS

Or “International research visit” (minimum 3-4 months)

⇒ 5 ECTS

One of the following (different from that completed in the previous years):

  • Research visit to a foreign university (minimum one month)
  • Paper given at conference or study day
  • Work experience in a company or local authority in France or another country
  • Organising an academic event
  • Leading a doctoral seminar or workshop
  • Teaching one course unit at secondary, undergraduate or Master’s level

⇒ 5 ECTS

Total ⇒ 60 ECTS per year

How to apply

Thirteen doctoral studentships will be available at SGSST between 2020 and 2028.

Qualifications required

In order to apply for a doctoral studentship at SGSST, you must:

    • Hold a Master’s degree (i.e. 300 credits post-secondary education), preferably in sociology, history or anthropology, or an MPhil or equivalent in social sciences, or a Higher Education diploma obtained after five years of study and supplemented by appropriate training in gender studies;
    • Submit a thesis proposal of maximum 30,000 characters (including spaces), in French, accompanied by a bibliography;
    • Obtain the agreement of a supervisor for this project, from among the teaching and research faculty on the list of thesis supervisors.

After obtaining the agreement of a supervisor to enrol in the doctorate or the doctoral preparatory year (DPY), an application must be submitted on the eCandidat platform (online application), including a curriculum vitae, covering letter and thesis proposal, and administrative documents (certified copies of qualifications awarded, certified translation of qualifications in languages other than French and English, proof of identity).

Applicants for doctoral studentships will be invited to make an oral presentation of their thesis proposal to the doctoral studentship award panel.

Doctoral studentship award panel

The doctoral studentship award panel is made up of members internal and external to EHESS, tenured at national and international higher education and research institutions, who have declared they have no conflict of interest in assessing applicants (for example, proposed thesis supervisors may not sit on this panel). The membership of the panel therefore changes each year.

Informations about applying to this doctoral training programme can also be found on the doctoral training’s page on the EHESS website.

Support funds for Doctoral Studies

SGSST has a budget to support research conducted by doctoral students affiliated to the School. Doctoral students eligible to apply are:

  • Doctoral students of SGSST (enrolled in the Social Sciences of Gender Doctoral Training Programme and automatically affiliated to the School);
  • Affiliated doctoral students, that is those supervised by an SGSST supervisor whose research focuses primarily or partially on issues of gender and sexuality, and who have applied for affiliation.

All research and training activities carried out in the context of SGSST should be credited “SGSST”. The SGSST and PIA logos must be displayed in reports on funded activities in any media. All publications, articles, monographs, conference proceedings, edited collections, translations etc. and/or communications deriving from activities that have received financial support from SGSST, whether exclusive funding, funding for the salary of the researcher(s) concerned or joint funding, must include the statement: “This work was supported by state funding managed by the Agence Nationale de Recherche under the Investment in the Future Programme for the School for Gender and Sexuality Studies, reference ANR-18-EURE-0008.”

Affiliate members can upload their articles on HAL and link them to the SGSST collection.