
Dissertation and thesis supervisors

The search engine for dissertation and thesis supervisors, as well as their personal pages are only available in French. By clicking below, you will be redirected to the French version of our website.

Affiliate members

Affiliate members of SGSST are:

  • Members of the teaching team who have supervised one or more Master’s dissertations or doctoral theses in the two years preceding the current academic year, and who have applied to be affiliated;
  • SGSST doctoral students (enrolled in the SGSST doctoral training programme and automatically affiliated);
  • Affiliated doctoral students, that is doctoral students supervised by an SGSST supervisor, whose research centres primarily or partially on questions of gender and sexuality, and who have applied for affiliation.

SGSST affiliates can apply to the doctoral students’ support fund or to the teaching and research support fund. The call for applications for affiliation is opened once a year (sent to those eligible to apply once, by email).

Some affiliate members (personal pages are only available in French – by clicking on an affiliate member’s name, you will be automatically redirected to the French version of our website):

Participating research units

Six mixed research units (UMR), all partly administered by EHESS, contribute to the School, with faculty participating in the teaching team as seminar leaders or as dissertation or thesis supervisors.

Logo du CEMS

The Centre for the Study of Social Movements (CEMS) has seven researchers working on gender, all of whom supervise Master’s dissertations and lead some of the seminars. Particular focuses include age discrimination and how it is articulated with gender, the feminisation of the workplace, and political alternatives.

Logo du CéSOR The Centre for the Social Sciences of Religion (CéSor) explores gender primarily in its third strand of research, “Circulation, reconfigurations and synergies between social fields”. A number of researchers working on the diverse cultural spheres studied at the CéSor (Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Black Atlantic, the Near and Middle East) analyse the reconfiguration of gender relations within practices, rituals and religious organisations, and the place of LGBTQI+ people within them.
Logo du CESSP

An active member of the CNRS’s Gender Institute (Institut du Genre), the European Centre for Sociology and Political Science (CESSP) projects include research on gender and sexuality, particularly on the sexual order in politics and the social effects of dissemination of knowledge about gender.

Logo du CMH

Research in the Maurice Halbwachs Centre (CMH)’s strand “Intersection of social relations: gender, class, race” links to the work of SGSST.

Logo du CRH

The Centre for Historical Research (CRH)’s History of Gender group was set up in September 2015. It brings together research on the history of the body, of bodily practices and of sexualities.

Logo de l'IRIS

The themes of gender and sexuality run through all three of Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Issues (IRIS)’s research strands (“Ethnography of dominance: powers, emancipations, subjectivities”; “The boundaries of the intimate: injunctions, tensions, resistances”; “Health as the government of individuals and populations”), with innovative avenues of research: social work through the lens of gender; contemporary changes in marriage and the family, and their political and affective stakes; the construction of masculinities; the social history of sexual categories.